I’m a tech enthusiast, a Computer Science grad and currently a Node.js developer. Apart from that, I’m also into roadtrips on cruisers.

I support open source ideology, projects and community. Find source code for this site here. 🙂



Backend Developer at Instabox, Stockholm [July 2020 - Present]

At Instabox, I primarily look at the integrations with the merchants. My team is responsible to develop and maintain APIs to be used by our partners.

Stability and scalability are main areas of our focus and we have been using Node.js (Express, Fastify), Postgres and Redis to get desirable perfomance.

Senior Software Developer at Smallcase, Bangalore [Nov 2017 - July 2020]

At Smallcase, I worked closely with business and partner brokers to integrate with them. I lead a team of 3 developers that made these integrations possible. Apart from that I was also responsible for the transactions system and execution of scheduled background jobs.

Used Node.js, MongoDB, Redis and RabbitMQ heavily along with some Kafka and Elasticsearch.

Software Developer at Codebrahma, Bangalore [Apr 2016 - Oct 2017]

During my time at Codebrahma, I worked on various projects mostly in the Node.js realm. Projects ranged from mortgage settlement platform for a client in US to a generic game server for a popular mobile gaming client.

I got my hands dirty in Express, Hapi.js, Meteor, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Blaze, AWS Elasticbeanstalk, AWS Lambda, etc.


A Computer Science and Engineering graduate from SRM University, Chennai.


Reach out to me at me@tarunbatra.com.